Talks by H.G. Vraja Kishor Das - 5/18 - 5/19 - 6pm

What is love? Pure love? Divine love? How can it be practiced, and how does that practice become perfect? Sri Rupa Goswami's "Bhakti-Rasāmṛta-Sindhu", the definitive guide to the yoga of divine love, answers all these questions beautifully.
Please join us for two evenings of talks given by Vraja Kishor ( who explains Sri Rupa's answers with clarity, simplicty and relevance to your daily life.
6pm Wednesday, May 18 2016
“The Definition of Love”
Is Love something you feel, or something you do? What makes love "pure & true"?
6pm Thursday, May 19 2016
“20 Ways to Improve Bhakti Sādhana”
10 "dos' and 10 "don'ts" straight from Sri Rupa Goswami that will radically improve the efficacy of your bhakti-sadhana!
Read Vraja Kishor's blog -